Wednesday, September 06, 2006

BLACKMANSHIT! (movie reviews)

The summer is cooling off and the fall is near. This summer's movies were decent. Outkast's "Idlewild" was surprisingly good. Idlewild was the first movie that I've seen that showed that Black people actually have an imagination. Anyhow this October I encourage all black folk to go see "CATCH A FIRE". I've seen the preview for this movies and it looks like it's going to be a beast. This is going to be a movie of substance which black folk need. Catch a Fire is a political thriller based on the true story of Patrick Chamusso, an ordinary man forced to resort to terror in extraordinary circumstances. A story of one man's struggle amongst a nation's, set in a divided South Africa in the nineteen eighties climaxing in the present day. In other words its BLACKMANSHIT! Please go see this movie, of course the writer and director of this movie are (obvoiulsy) not black, but support the story. I love the trailer for this movie and the slogan " STAND FOR SOMETHING!" Which as black men need to do more often, and I'm not talking about standing up for your block that your drug dealing friend got shot on, unless your trying to start a youth program.

This movie comes out in late October. So go see this and support that BLACKMANSHIT!

Go take your wives, girlfriends and courtesans, becareful because the main charactor of the movie obvoiusly fathers a child out of wedlock, if that's not that BLACKMANSHIT! I don't know what is.

If you have any movies that you would like Blackmanshit to review let us know.

If you have any issues or comments or questions you would like answered by BLACKMANSHIT! feel free.


BLACKMANSHIT! copyright 2006


Anonymous said...

"....the main charactor of the movie obvoiusly fathers a child out of wedlock, if that's not that BLACKMANSHIT! I don't know what is...."

Help me to understand this. Am I to understand that you support having children out of wedlock? Is that something for a black man to aspire to? Or do I have it all wrong?

Blackmanshit said...

I don't condone children out of wedlock but unfortunately many BLACK MEN have children out of wedlock hence the pharse BLACKMANSHIT! The reason why I say its BLACKMANSHIT because his situation is all too common to the BLACK MAN.

Anonymous said...

Brotha, our experience is similar. I also saw the preview for "Catch a Fire" at "Idlewild" which i also thought was imaginative. Right then and there i decided "Catch a Fire" was a must see. It appeared to be a story that would make Black folk proud. A bourgeois negro turns into a true revolutionary.

However, i am now having second thoughts about seeing it. Last week Amy Goodman on her radio show “Democracy Now” talked to the writer Shawn Slovo which led to me researching the movie. You are right, the director and writer are whites. However, as best i can tell, three of the four producers are also white. That means most of the principals controlling the film are white. Another thing, at under the link 'coming soon' is a picture promoting the film. The focus of the picture is a white police (Tim Robbins) holding a small photo of Chamusso (Derek Luke) behind bars. Posters like that tell potential moviegoers who is the central character. Not only that, it is also a classical representation of stereotypes. In addition, the movie was shown at the Toronto International Film Festival under the title "Hotstuff". Hotstuff was Patrick Chamusso's nickname. With that title, Chamusso clearly would have had to been the central character around which the story revolved. The new title shifts the focus. Who is going to 'catch the fire' or the 'fire setter'? The white detective, of course.

Film festivals are where films pick up financiers and distributors. Usually too, movies at film festivals have not received final editing. This film went into Toronto as "Hotstuff" it came out as "Catch a Fire" with Tim Robbins the face of the movie--a movie ostensibly about a Black African. Was there editing done also to make the film more about the 'benevolent' police than about the Black revolutionary? My gut says yes. I know how white folks are and i feel certain this is what has been done to the film. I really want to see the film and probably will go see it, but i am pissed. We absolutely need to control our own images. Otherwise, even so-called white liberals will give us distorted stories that elevate white characters over Black characters. It continues to implant in minds the idea of white supremacy.